SKU Science

SKU Science ROI Calculator

With SKU Science, save a minimum of 15 to 20% on your forecast errors

Estimate your earnings with our simulator

Your earnings

Don't let inaction cost you every year between

Minimum earnings


Maximum earnings



Inventory holding cost

The calculator rules are based on information available from InseeIBFMcKinsey, and Supchains

Quantify the gains achieved through the improvement of your sales forecasts

Discover the expected return on investment
through our platform

By utilizing our platform, you will achieve a minimum improvement of 15 to 20% in your forecast error rate. With our simulator, estimate at a glance the financial gains for your company based on your revenue.

These gains are linked to two factors:

  • The reduction of stockouts leading to an increase in revenue
  • The decrease in your inventory and stock holding costs

How does it work?

You input:

  • Your revenue
  • The percentage of your stock relative to revenue (typically between 5% and 20% depending on your industry)
  • The percentage of inventory holding costs (usually between 15% and 35% depending on your industry)

Based on this information, the simulator calculates:

  • Gains in revenue linked to the increase in your service level
  • Savings in inventory holding costs linked to the optimization of your inventory

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